Sonntag, 11. Dezember 2011

Online Shop update today

Hello my friends,
as promised I will set up and fill my Etsy Online shop today.
I´m busy taking photos now and get prepared to set up 8 new little dolls at about 8pm EST/20.00 Uhr/o´clock here in Germany.
So there are now still 8 hours to go and than the dolls should ( if everything will work well) show up, one after another at my shop,
please use link below, or copy and paste in your browser :
My Online Shop
I recommend you to refresh your browser severall times when the first doll appears.

--In the background of the photos you might see painted furniture from Karen Markland (see pic above, available through, cats from Bridget McCarty, rats and mice and accessories by Georgia Marfels (now also new at Etsy), as also accessories/toys von, these are NOT for sale, for sale are the dolls only --in

german :

Hallo Freunde, wie versprochen werde ich heute meinen online shop füllen.
Ich bin fleißig Fotos am machen und muß mich nun vorbereiten,dass dann ab 20.oo Uhr EST(hier in Deutschland)die 8 neuen Miniatur Puppen, nach und nach dort erscheinen.( ich hoffe es geht alles glatt)
Bitte benutzt den folgenden Link um zu meinem Online Shop zu gelangen, oder kopiert ihn und fügt ihn in euren Browser. Ich empfehle den Browser immer mal wieder zu aktualisieren sobald die erste Puppe erscheint.
Mein Online Shop

--Auf den Fotos werdet ihr im Hintergrund bemalte Möbel von Karen Markland sehen (wie oberes Bild, zu bekommen bei, Katzen von Bridget McCarty,sowie Ratten, Mäuse und Zubehör von Georgia Marfels (jetzt auch neu bei Etsy)als auch weiteres Zubehör/Spielzeug erhältlich bei, Zum Verkauf stehen jedoch NUR die Puppen---

xxx Silke

Donnerstag, 8. Dezember 2011

Online Shop update

I´m finally going to update my online shop this sunday (evening here in Germany), will let you know exactly when here at my blog.

Ich werde meinen Online Shop am Sonntag Abend endlich wieder befüllen.Die genaue Zeit werde ich hier noch angeben.

Thank you /Danke
xxx Silke

Freitag, 2. Dezember 2011

this sunday, Dec.4th - miniature fair in Erftstadt

Diesen Sonntag könnt ihr mein Völkchen und mich in Erfstadt (bei Köln) antreffen,
04.Dezember 2011
12. Miniaturenmarkt
in Erftstadt (in der Nähe von Köln)
11.00 - 17.00 Uhr
Aula des Gymnasiums Lechenich
Dr. Josef-Fieger Str.50374
50374 Erftstadt - Lechenich (bei Köln)

Eintritt frei !

Ich hoffe wir sehen uns ;o)
xxx Silke

Dienstag, 29. November 2011

Back from the US, part 4, Hogsmeade (2)

on through Hogsmead...-above- I found a nice little corner without any other people :o) !!!

and here we´re entering the three broomsticks for lunch !

Gilderoy Lockhart´s "Travel with Trolls"...but not for sale, just exhibit :o(


to be continued...........

Samstag, 26. November 2011

Back from the US, part 3, Hogsmeade (1)

from Key West we drove to Orlando, to enter "Hogsmeade" early next morning !!!
The Universal Studios opened at 9 am, but we arrived allready at 8 am. Good so, because we had to sty in line allready. A Lady from Birmingham,GB told me that she had visited Hogsmead the day before, but it was so overloaded with people that they tried another visit very early. When the doors opened, everybody, YES ! EVERYBODY walked straight right and directly into the Wizarding world of Harry Potter ! No one stopped at Seuss Landing or the other attractions, left around a corner at the oriental market, there it was to arch you have to pass to get into Hogsmead !!!

starting here with Zonkos

on to and into Honeydukes

Back from the US, part 2 Key West

from Newark we took the Amtrak Silver Star and headed forward to Miami, took a rental car and on to Key West...

At Fort Meyer they started preparing for a big Halloween event, but we left allready the other day

we stayed just one night in Key West, we expected more nature, not so much party....

Back from the US, part 1 NYC

Hello my friends,
it took a while for me to get back to normal after our long US trip. The journey was phantastic and we saw so much ! Now I like to share some impressions from our tour. We arrived in Newark New Jersey and stayed there at the Best Western Robert Treat Hotel ( great Hotel, great service, Shuttlebus to the Newark Pennstation). We took the pathtrain from Newark pennstation to go to Manhattan Pennstation, from where you can reach the most NYC places by walking, but we tried also the bus and suburb, everything works fine.

We had breakfast at Tom´s Diner ( where Jerry Seinfeld and friends have met in the TV serie), great breakfast, nice service !

Dienstag, 11. Oktober 2011

I´m packing ...

... my things. We´ll leave soon and hopp over to the US to see a bit from the other side of world plus doing the Philadelphia Miniaturia November 5th and 6th.It´s my first miniature fair in the US, after doing so many dollshow there in 20 years of being in the dollbuissiness I´m excited like a beginner.
So guess what else ?
We will be in the US during Halloween !!! booohooooo..... isn´t that cool ???!!!

I have two Babysitters for the house and the cats. I have warm clothes for the upper eastcoast and light clothes for the lower eastcoast in the bag, slippers and boots, two cameras and 5 Gigabyte to saving photos :o) I´ll try to visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando as well as the National Christmas Museum in Lancaster. I´ll promise to take as many photos as I can and show you the best when I´m back. Cross your fingers that the cameras will work !!!But I won´t leave you all here without any autumn impressions from my hometown here.... I had to test the handling of my new/old camera ( I found a great used one at Ebay ! Does perfect shots outside !!)

And here are the results from our latest walk in our little Village where we are living ...

What do you say ?

Is that a good camera or what ? ;o)

xxx talk to you in a few weeks ;o)

Samstag, 10. September 2011

Etsy Shop update

I have just listed some new dolls at my Etsy Online Shop
Silke´´s Online shop
If you have any questions, don´t hesitate to contact me.

Enjoy !
xxx Silke

Dienstag, 30. August 2011

Getting ready for next fair

am 3.September 2011
findet wieder die Messe "Schöne kleine Welt" statt.
dieses Mal aber jedoch nicht in der Stadthalle in Gießen, sondern

in der Sammler- und Hobbywelt
Das Erlebnis-Museum
Kiesacker 5
35418 Alten-Buseck b. Gießen
11:00 bis 17:00
mehr Infos dazu :
Schöne kleine Welt

Bitte denkt daran, es ist an einem Samstag !!!!

Ich hoffe wir sehen uns !
XXX Silke