I´m sorry I´m such a bad Blogger at the moment. I´m busy working on a lot of special orders I had taken, and can show you now a finished one.
I need to be very busy this year because I have 2 big miniature fairs I´m participating in .
The first is in May, it is our german miniature Fair
I need to be very busy this year because I have 2 big miniature fairs I´m participating in .
The first is in May, it is our german miniature Fair
"1zu 12" now in Rheda - Wiedenbrück held on two days end of may , that is pretty soon !!!
the other will be the
" Philadelphia Miniaturia" in USA held on 5th and 6th November 2011. ( please check my schedules listed beside the blog)
" Schöne kleine Welt" a miniature show in Gießen/Germany
and the
annual Dollery show in Whitman USA I´m participating in since many years with my bigger dolls.
This order shown here is also for the Dollery Store and shows another mix of a big doll with some miniatures in 1/12th scale. The beautiful antique looking books, scrolls and bottles were hand made especially for me by Karin Caspar. ( Thanks a lot Karin !) Yes, she is a miniaturist, but she can create much more than miniature :o)
This order shown here is also for the Dollery Store and shows another mix of a big doll with some miniatures in 1/12th scale. The beautiful antique looking books, scrolls and bottles were hand made especially for me by Karin Caspar. ( Thanks a lot Karin !) Yes, she is a miniaturist, but she can create much more than miniature :o)
The witches closet is a vintage one but altered with lots of different stain....
the miniature dolls are posable like my big dolls are, so there should be a lot of fun when the collector starts "playing" with it ;o)

Since I know that I´m doing the Philadelphia Miniaturia in November I have to make plans now how to handle the christmas orders.
So please if you think about asking me for doing special orders for christmas, pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaase ask early, aaaaaas early as you can.
You just need to pay a small deposit for placing the order , the final payment has to be made when the order is finished.
Beside this I´ll try to update my Etsy online shop as often as I can, next update is planned end of this month/ beginning of april with a few new miniature dolls in 1/12th , but I´ll let you know early here at my blog when.
I send you all dearest spring greetings from Germany, it´s warm and pretty sunny here.
I hope this will continue .............
xxx Silke